Month: June 2010

  • Searching for apartments

    Having only had one previous experience searching for an apartment, I grossly underestimated how hard it can be when one doesn't have a job. I also realized how difficult it can be to look at and find apartments when the other person (Jake) who is going to live there is about 100 miles away and can't go with me. Luckily, I have conquered all and found an apartment complex that we have agreed upon to rent from. On top of that, I think everything that has been causing this haze in my life has been clearing up rather nicely.

    Next on my list of things to do: Find a job.

    This, obviously, is more easily said than done. I can't put that I can work immediately because I can't. Well, I guess I could... Gas from Colorado Springs to North Denver every day is a bit ridiculous, I think. We'll see if anything becomes available. I just need an income to land the apartment... That of I'm going to need a co-signer (any takers?).

    Wedding planning has been going great. Jake and I have decided on Yellow Paddle Photography, based in Denver. It's a group of several student photographers and a professional photographer who offer great deals and options at a great price. I am really excited to take some engagement photos for everyone to see! :) They even offer videography at a low price, too! Having that semi-settled has been a load off my mind, as well... Hello, $5000 budget wedding... I will kill you (in a manner of speaking).