Month: August 2010

  • There's a club in my bedroom.

    10:30AM. It's Sunday. On most Sundays, I leisurely sleep in (mostly from a lack of being able to find a job in the whole of Denver). 

    This is me (pictured above).

    This morning, however, I am rudely awoken by nothing less than a suburban discotheque next door. After calling the security for the complex, I am alerted that they are only called for disturbances after hours. I am a little perplexed as to who I should call at this point because it's a Sunday morning, and there is no one in the rental office to call. The security suggests calling the local police who are usually pretty good to come by and quiet any disturbances. I decided to time the noise disturbance, and I'll be sending a note to my rental office very soon.

    Why does anyone need to wake up to Eminem on a Sunday morning? It wasn't just part of the song or just the bass line, I could hear every detail of the music from my room with my ear in a pillow. After half an album of music, it gets a little old. I could still hear every detail after turning up the music on my computer as high as I could get it!

    Have you ever had noise problems with your neighbors? How early is too early? How late is too late? When do you decide to call someone about the noise?

  • I had the pleasure of attending two Cobber weddings over the past two weeks: Rob & Stacy Jenson and Matt & Hannah Fleming. It surprised me that so many Cobbers were in attendance at these weddings. It shows the deep bond formed from the very first day of Orientation in our beanies, bonds that last forever (even past our 10 second jaunt across the stage to receive our diplomas). There really is something different about college friends versus high school friends. There is something that connects us together deeper than relationships we formed in high school. Perhaps it is the similar drive we have, pursuing the same interests and activities. Perhaps it lies within all of the hours spent together in the residence halls, in class, or at rehearsals. In my case, I think the strongest link between all of us is the choice we all made to attend Concordia College. We may not have all come together, but we left together.

    I miss and cherish all of you. I had a wonderful time at these two weddings and hope to see many of you again soon at my own. God bless!